Welcome to Sassee cats!
This cat was saved
but there are
so many more
in need of help
Although donations are needed, we need volunteers. Get started by clicking.
Sassee's Mission
Our mission is to create a healthy and safe community for both cats and humans.
Counting the many ways you can help out
The Injured Cat, as time is always of the essence, the fastest way to help Cats is to do it yourself. Acquiring a box or carrier to put the animal inside and drop off to any Animal Care Center or 24-hour emergency vet hospital would be amazing. No one wants to see our feline neighbors suffering. If you are not able to do it yourself, please call 311 and give a detailed description and location. If you see a police officer, you can also tell him/her.
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The Roaming Cat, another name for Roaming cats is called Feral cats. These cats are normally born outside without any no human contact. Feral cats are also cats that once lived with humans but have been tossed out of their homes into the streets. The number reason for cat abandonment is due to them not being spayed or neutered. Some cat owners allow their cats to roam the street and return home, which is also problematic if the cat is not spayed or neutered.
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The Hungry Cat, providing a quick meal to your feline neighbor is a great selfless act of kindness and would be met with the same level of appreciation as human, as we are both living organism. Find a discreet place to layout some dry or wet cat food.
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The Cold Cat, like all animals cats can become unbearably cold in the winter months, a small cardboard box with an old shirt or garment could mean life or death to young, sick or injured cats. Also calling SasseeCats or a number to Care Services would be greatly appreciated.
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Become Aware
Becoming aware of the cat community within your own community is one of the most critical tools needed to start the process of providing help to our feline strays. Once you take notice of your own streets, there are so many commonsense actions you can take to provide, in some cases, critical assistance to our feline community members. See the “Small Things” section to learn about a few measures you can take. Additionally, see the many links scattered throughout our website.
Female cats can become pregnant at five months. An average cat has 1-8 kittens per liter and 2-3 liters per year. During her reproductive life a female cat can have more than 100 kittens. One female cat and her offspring can produce between 100 and 400 cats in 7 years!
Intact Male cats roam or disappear for days even weeks in search of a mate and may come home or live outside suffering with bite abscesses and other wounds from fights. They are also more likely to contract
and spread diseases, such as feline leukemia virus and feline immunodeficiency virus. Intact males are at greater risk for testicular cancer and prostate diseases.
Becoming Aware and Educating yourself are great pillars for a caring community member, although because volunteerism is at an all time low in many urban communities, volunteering would bring the most positive impact to cats in your community.
Any deliberate service provided to your cat neighbors is an act of volunteering. The more one can do, the better. Don’t think of Volunteering as a protracted and long commitment, but rather as a small act of kindness that you can provide daily, weekly or when you are met with a situation which calls for service.
SasseeCats mission and goals are clear, so is the reality regarding the lack funding. Always, donations are greatly needed. SasseeCats provides varying and critical services behind its core TNR (Trap-Neuter- Return program), which includes temporary shelter, heavy food services, initial medical treatment, along with critical transportation services.
From it’s inception SasseeCats has operated out an apartment and have largely used out-of-pocket cash to keep its’ services afloat.
Trap Neuter Return
Understanding What we do and how it helps the community
TNR is the quickest way to help. Trap Neuter and Return. That is the left ear tip. This means that this cat was spayed/neutered, treated for fleas, and given all the vaccines. This cat is most likely being fed by a caring person and if not, then maybe you can be that person since now he or she has a clean bill of health.
TNR is the quickest way to help. Trap Neuter and Return. That is the left ear tip. This means that this cat was spayed/neutered, treated for fleas, and given all the vaccines. This cat is most likely being fed by a caring person and if not, then maybe you can be that person since now he or she has a clean bill of health.
Some basic points to understand about Neutering is that it refers to the procedure for male cats. Neutering a male cat entails the removal of their reproductive organs. Spaying a cat refers to the procedure for female cats. Spaying a cat entails the removal of their ovaries and usually the uterus as well.
While these procedures may seem crude and extensive, for feral cats it is necessary in ensuring a healthy population and community of cats. Unhealthy population of cats exist today, scattered throughout communities both urban and rural within the United States. These populations leads to starvation, devastating injuries, even death. The quality of life is very poor for these communities, both cats and humans. In addition, getting cats Neutered or Spayed decreases the chances of cats being abandoned from their homes as it reduces the strong odors from cats spraying pheromones and urine throughout one’s apartment or home.
Ideally after cats have been either Neutered or Spayed, we would love to see them be placed into great loving homes providing them with food and shelter, although the reality is that they are often returnd back outside in their communities.
After treatment, particularly for feral female cats, the positive is that they will no longer fall under the insurmountable stress of being impregnated multiple times, forcing abandonment of their young, along with the added stress of constantly dealing with the prospect of starvation while pregnant. In addition, some cats are successfully put up for adoption and go on to happy loving homes, because they are now neutered or spayed.
Trap Neuter Return
How to Become a Certified TNR Apprentice
Becoming Certified TNR Apprentice
Becoming TNR certified is not difficult but does require commitment. If you are thinking of becoming a TNR certified specialist, you will be taking a monumental step towards becoming a much-needed service leader. With this certification you will be able to provide professional care services to your feline neighbors. Learn more and get certified.
Hard Realities
Latest Updates
Sassecats blog
As mentioned before volunteering can take on many forms, although on the ground regarding TNR specific services, the following would be a great help to SasseeCats and other TNR like services.
What does it mean to foster a cat. Fostering a cat entail providing shelter for them temporary or permanent. Temporary shelter is a critical step in the TNR process and is currently severely lacking. Fostering a cat, not only allows them to recover from their surgeries, but can extend their changes of being adopted and not euthanized.
Picking up and dropping off cats to and from their temporary shelter locations can help a great deal. Added transportation allows Sassee and other “in the ground” workers to focus on additional stray cats, as there so many. Operations will be able to scale quickly if just transportation services were to increase. Transportation can also be used to pick up cats from their initial trap locations and transported to shelters.
Feeding either Trapped cats or Free roaming cats is very important to the life of a cat. Providing feeding services to Trapped cats again allows Sassee and other volunteers to do more for other cats which are in the TNR Lifecycle. Feeding free roaming cats allows them to get much need nourishment without them running the risk of constantly searching for food. Urban free roaming cats are in constant peril in their search for food. They are constantly hit by cars, attacked by other animals and humans.
Looking Out
Because traps are placed outside in public areas, ensuring that traps are not vandalized or tampered with provides much needed security. Looking out for traps is yet another important part to the TNR service.
About Sassee
Everything You Want To Know
Sassee Walker grew up in Public Housing. Making a life in the harsh reality of Brownsville Housing was no picnic for most who lived there. Although life was hard, Sassee was known as a staunch protector and educator toward her two younger brothers. Graduating from Sarah J Hale High School and going on to attend Long Island University LIU, she always lived life with a purpose. Nothing spelled purpose more than her love for her community and music. Although Sassee is widely known for SasseeCats and working with other Cat Care organizations, she had a long and successful musical career as a Rap Artist, bringing awareness to acceptance, love, and a wide range of community issues.
How did it all start, Sassee’s love for animals? Sassee comes from a family of Cat Carers. Sassee younger brother was the first to bring home a newborn from a stray cat. The kitten grew up to become a loving addition to the family.
Sassee’s love for animals was surely at birth, although there were some noticeable events in her life which helped her get to the point where she is right now. Many may not be aware that Sassee had a dog which she adored named Gizmo. He was such a pivotal part of her life and genesis of SasseeCats. Please read the blog on the entire touching story on the start of SasseeCats “Small Beginings”.
SasseeCats have some lofty goals, from lobbing for city/state/federal subsidies to lower neutering and spaying cost in lower income communities to building a private shelter for her exhaustive TNR services, although her goal is the mission “Create a healthy and safe community for both cats and humans.”
Lower Income neighborhoods are often underfunded which has a devastating impact on both the cat and human community. Please Donate and as Sassee would say, Volunteer, Volunteer, Volunteer.
Sassee's Footprint
Sassee played a major role in the movie “The Cat Rescuers”. The movie goes in dept on her life as a staunch Cat Care rescuer. The movie has won several awards and is currently Featured on Amazon Prime, Apple TV, and many other major platforms.
Sassee was featured in article from a very popular National Newspaper called The New York Post. There is a full section on her Cat Care Journey along with the amount she pays out of her own pocket each month. Learn more about her journey Read.
Countless Public Engagements
Sassee is connected with several organizations across New York City and other States. She has been interviewed countless times advocating for Cat Care awareness and funding. Her commitment is very real. She is on the ground constantly fighting for “a healthy and safe community for both cats and humans.”
- Cat Rescuers Film
- Featured on New York Post
- Countless Public Interviews
SasseeCats on the move. See the latest footage on her TNR activities
Contact us
Contact us for questions, donations, rescue requests and most importantly Volunteering
Sassee Cats always looking for volunteers If you would like to help in any way please contact us.
Get in touch
Sassee Cats is always looking for volunteers (volunteers for transporters, trappers, colony caretakers). If you would like to help in any way please contact us.
Between our constant IG posting, blog and Podcasting, you can always find out the last on what we are doing and how you can be a part of helping your own community.
Thank you!
Find Us Here
New York
- Brooklyn, New York
- +1 (646) 493 3398